University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
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Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Trunk
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Coronary Arteries
Cardiac Veins
External Images
MRI Images
Comparative Imaging
3D Modeling
Anatomy Tutorial
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tutorial
Comparative Anatomy Tutorial
Conduction System Tutorial
Congenital Defects Tutorial
Coronary System Tutorial
Device Tutorial
Echocardiography Tutorial
Physiology Tutorial
Project Methodologies
Cardiovascular Devices and Techniques at U of Minnesota
References and Links
Atlas in the media
Surgery Department
Right Atrium
Right Atrial Appendage Coronary Sinus Ostium Crista Terminalis Fossa Ovalis Inverior Vena Cava Ostium Interatrial Septum Lateral Wall Triangle of Koch Tricuspid Valve
Visible Heart (functional)
Perfusion Fixed (endoscope)
Anatomical Plates
Comparative Imaging

defined by the following structures within the right atrium: (1) The ostium of the coronary sinus, posteriorly; (2) the anterior-septal leaflet commissure; and (3) the tendon of Todaro (a tendinous structure connecting the valve of the inferior vena cava ostium to the central fibrous body), posteriorly.

Importance in cardiovascular diseases:
used as an anatomical landmark for location of the atrioventricular node during electrophysiology procedures such as pacing or ablation.

está limitado por las siguientes estructuras dentro de la aurícula derecha: (1) el ostium del seno coronario (2) la comisura antero-septal de la válvula tricuspídea; y (3) el tendón de Todaro (estructura tendinosa que conecta la válvula de la vena cava inferior con el cuerpo fibroso central).

Importancia en las enfermedades cardiovasculares:
se utiliza como punto de referencia anatómico para la ubicación del nodo auriculoventricular durante procedimientos de electrofisiología como estimulación o ablación.




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