University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
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Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Trunk
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Coronary Arteries
Cardiac Veins
External Images
MRI Images
Comparative Imaging
3D Modeling
Anatomy Tutorial
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tutorial
Comparative Anatomy Tutorial
Conduction System Tutorial
Congenital Defects Tutorial
Coronary System Tutorial
Device Tutorial
Echocardiography Tutorial
Physiology Tutorial
Project Methodologies
Cardiovascular Devices and Techniques at U of Minnesota
References and Links
Atlas in the media
Surgery Department
Right Ventricle
Apex Inflow Tract Moderator Band Papillary Muscles RVOT Tricuspid Valve
Visible Heart (functional)
Perfusion Fixed (endoscope)
Anatomical Plates

The moderator band is located in the right ventricular apex that connects the interventricular septum to the anterior papillary muscle. When looking within the heart it appears as any other trabecula would except that the moderator band does not seem to be attached to one single side, but rather crossing the lower portion of the right ventricular chamber.

The function of this anatomy is to act as a primary conduction path in to the free wall originating from the right bundle branch

La banda moderadora está ubicada en el ápex del ventrículo derecho y conecta el septo interventricular con el músculo papilar anterior. Cuando se mira desde el interior del corazón, tiene el aspecto de una trabécula, excepto que la banda moderadora no parece estar unida a un solo lado, sino que cruza la parte inferior de la cámara ventricular derecha.

La función de esta estructura es actuar como una vía de conducción primaria originada en la rama derecha del Haz de His y dirigida hacia la pared libre del ventrículo derecho.




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